Canine Conditioning Fun (aka “Debbie’s Pet Tricks Workshop”)

After her Border Collie, Braedan, sustained an iliopsoas strain in late summer of 2014 (which took him out of agility for six months), Debbie worked hard to rehab him so he could return to his normal activities.  She found that the rehab/strengthening exercises were fun to teach, and Braedan and her other three dogs loved learning new “tricks”.  Debbie decided to hold a short canine conditioning workshop for some of her agility students.  The response was so positive that Debbie has continued to teach these workshops every few months so she can share what she’s learned herself and taught her own dogs.  The most recent workshop was held at the new Shape-a-Pup training facility in Fort Worth.

Nikki doing same-side leg lifts.

Nikki doing same-side leg lifts.

Kinley doing diagonal leg lifts.

Kinley doing diagonal leg lifts.


2015-09-12 09.54.50

Hard to see Chunk’s paws under all that fur!

2015-09-12 10.43.18

Keenan’s a natural at “sit pretty”.

2015-09-12 10.32.40

Kensi learning how to say her prayers.

2015-09-12 11.17.58

Baxter’s backing up the platform.

Braedan balancing on two peanuts.

Braedan balancing on two peanuts.